I grew up without the internet. Let’s just take a moment to digest the ramifications of that.
Done? OK.
There was no way to find out anything. I had to ask my mother personal questions about body hair. I got my first email account at university. I was nineteen already. My adolescence was metaphorically lying on the ground gasping its last and going ‘It’s too late for me… Save yourselves…’
Childhood wasted.
So, for all the young writers out there, here are the links I wish I’d had when I was scribbling away in my teenage, so-wireless-you-wouldn’t-believe-it bedroom:
The Blank Page – This is the website I created to help schools set up their own creative writing clubs and it contains loads of advice, tips and resources you can use with your own writing group or by yourself! If you don’t have a writing group at school, why not pass this link on to your librarian or English teacher and ask them to set one up?!
Writing with Jenna Moreci – This was recommended by a teen writer I know and it’s brilliant. Moreci is an American fantasy writer and she posts short and very funny videos on her YouTube channel giving writing advice on just about anything you can think of. Well worth a browse.
and https://authorallsorts.wordpress.com/ Everything you ever wanted to know about writing but were afraid to ask – these are blogs of all things bookish by published children’s and YA writers who have been there and done that.
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2017/mar/04/what-writers-really-do-when-they-write – a brilliant interview with my favourite short story writer, George Saunders, on the nitty gritty of how exactly writers write.
https://stingingfly.org/2017/10/24/edit-lousy-writing/ – a no-punches-pulled guide to editing your work.
https://www.helpingwritersbecomeauthors.com/ – this site is basically everything you will ever need in terms of learning about story structure and character arcs. Check out the podcast threads. I listen to them while taking notes.
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/feb/20/ten-rules-for-writing-fiction-part-one and https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/feb/20/10-rules-for-writing-fiction-part-two – the biggest names in writing share their top ten tips for writers. I’m a sucker for this kind of thing because there’s always at least one tip from one writer where you can go ‘I DO THAT!!! I’m clearly a genius like them!!!’
https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2013/10/the-8-habits-of-highly-successful-young-adult-fiction-authors/280722/ – great article on what makes YA different from, or the same as, adult fiction
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPN7vDu9Rsk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KXf1QT9GC0 – I’m addicted to watching interviews with writers on YouTube. Neil Gaiman’s are always up there with the best. What does happen if a werewolf bites a goldfish?!?!
Sit Down and Write: Poetry Resources – This is a fantastic website with loads of links to useful articles about writing poetry. It was sent to me by LouAnne and her young writers at the library who were NANO Rebels and wrote 50,000 words of poetry for NANOWRIMO! Amazing!
Writing Careers: The business behind becoming an author – This is helpful advice on the business side of writing. Thank you to Andrea Gomez and her son (who’s a young writer himself) who sent it to me!
Nabati Poetry – This is a really informative collection of links about Nabati Poetry in the UEA. Nabati poetry is known as the ‘The People’s Poetry’ and originated in ancient Arab states, the first published works dating back to the 14th Century. I thought the love poetry was particularly beautiful! Thank you to Amelia (a young writer herself) who recommended the link!
A Guide for Authors and Writers – This one was recommended by Hannah in Alabama (thanks Hannah!). It has a ton of links covering everything from writing craft to self publishing. It’s USA-based but there’s lots of interesting info that applies to everyone.